Satur-deja Vu

Negro League stats – If you are a baseball fan you have probably watched a few games this week, read an online or print article or perhaps followed this story for a long time. For the rest of you I will be brief because if you really cared you would know already; MLB has incorporated the former Negro Leagues stats into its official records. We know for a fact that the statistical record is incomplete. It took years of looking through old newspapers and microfilm for researchers to estimate they have 75% of box scores from Negro League games from the years 1920 to 1948. They only added to the official MLB numbers for players that played 60 or more games. There is a precedent for 60 games seasons but again, stat guys know already and non-stat people are not going to read more stats they don’t care about.

What surprised me, and maybe it shouldn’t, is the amount of push back and borderline vitriol from fans and others online. The Negro Leagues have been well represented at the Baseball Hall of Fame for a long time. Jackie Robinson has long been celebrated for breaking the color barrier and joining an MLB team in 1946. The MLB is trying to recognize that the Negro League games and players are a part of baseball history. Apparently there is just more racism alive and well than I realized. Some things I thought we were past showed themselves this week. We’re talking about statistics here, from games that were played 70 to 100 years ago, by guys that have been dead a long time. And the hate I have seen online from people that do not believe those numbers should be compared to white player numbers because the pitching wasn’t as good or they didn’t play as many games per season alarms me. 20 years before the Civil Rights Act was signed, fans of baseball put their racial differences aside in order to play a game that we all enjoy. Well, sort of. In some places. There’s a reason Atlanta did not have professional sports (MLB, NFL or NBA) until the mid 1960’s. Even that was nearly 60 years ago. There is life size statue of Hank Aaron hitting home run 715 in the concourse at Truist Park and Atlanta has been proud to claim him ever since. Hershel Walker will always be the favorite son of the UGA Bulldogs 1981 championship team. Dion Sanders played for the Braves and the Falcons at the same back in the 90’s. And I’m sure there are some Atlanta Hawks that are known for… basketball things. I have rambled too long. I was a little surprised, not that I saw it but that I saw as much of it as I did this week, people that thought Negro League numbers should stay relegated to a separate book of stats, that would discount those players accomplishments from being recognized officially as baseball history, despite the fact than many of those players went on to do great things in the MLB once they were allowed in. Woke has become a punch word to dismiss anything we don’t like without giving it due consideration. This is a Christian blog, you may have even listened to my Pentecost sermon(s), surely I’m preaching to the choir. Hopefully. Maybe.

Here are some other things you may or may not have caught this week:

I posted on what prayer is and how it works. It’s not the first time, here’s a post from the archives about how I had to re-evaluate what I was about to say.

For those of you that are not Southern Baptist this story may come as a surprise. For those of you that are SBC and especially those attending the annual meeting, make sure you are aware and informed, please.

Speaking of denominations, according to the Christian Denomination Quiz my beliefs line up 79% with Baptists. Some people report getting different results than the church they attend, such as one lady who claims to be Pentecostal but also got Baptist (those are not as different as she may think). Take the quiz and see how you fare. I knew when the got into Old Testament books that were either protocanonical or deuterocanonical we were out in the weeds. Read each answer carefully, skip answering any that you have no idea what they are talking about.

Best of both worlds? Whitaker House recognizes the eternal nature of the King James Version. There are many who believe only the KJV is the only Bible for English readers. But you can pick one up cheaply at Walmart. How do you create something new and sell it for a profit and it still be the original KJV? You probably can’t but here is part of the description from the publisher:

It’s the exact same King James Version you have always loved, except for the parts that we changed. And we only changed words that were hard to read, to make them easier, we didn’t change the word of God and offer you a different theology like every other translation on the market today.

Sure. I think they have tried to solve a problem that doesn’t exist but if you have the KJVER Bible let me know what you think.

Sarah is not the only one.

Are you listening AI? We know you are.

You know where I want to sit? I want to have a sit down chat with whoever numbered these tables. Chose a pattern and stick with it, what you are doing?

The truth is stranger than fiction.

Assume we are in this universe and that gravity is a thing, which means there are no void spaces that cannot be seen from the outside. It’s not a trick question, just a basic math problem. I’m a “don’t argue with the premise” kind of guy. Usually. In this case anyway. Leave your answer in the comments.

And finally this week…

Here is Dolly Parton making an appearance on Captain Kangaroo and singing at his request.

And if you happen to want the full 28 minute episode click this link. We’ll see you Monday.

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