Bible Survey: Joseph: Dreams Do Come True

If you follow The Master’s Table but have never heard of Bible Survey, that’s because it’s been a while.  Specifically it’s been over a year.  There was a time I considered bailing out on that project and deleting the URL.  I once tried to give away but there were no takers.  Every now then it bugs me, so…

Joseph: Dreams Do Come True is the Bible Survey post based on Genesis chapters 37 – 41.  The first several chapters of Genesis deal with a lot and cover several hundred years of human history.  As we near the end of Genesis and begin Exodus the story should speed up.

Bible Survey: The Children of Israel

Bible Survey is a category of posts that are part of The Master’s Table but located under a unique URL.  In recent weeks I have been reading the Bible more, but posting on my blogs less.  Disciplined Bible reading and prayer are something I struggle with.

The Children of Israel (Gen 29 – 35) is the latest post at Bible Survey.  Jacob’s name change, his wives Leah and Rachel, and a listing of his children are all covered.  Click through the link to give it a read; questions, comments and discussion are always welcome.

Bible Survey: Jacob’s Ladder

I’ve just added a new post to Bible Survey, my 30 year plan for reading through scripture!  I exaggerate slightly.  At any rate, Jacob’s Ladder explores Genesis 28.  Describing Jacob’s dream is easy; interpreting what it means, that can be a different story.  Jewish and Christian traditions differ, but at the end of the day I think there’s only one place we can land: it’s about Jesus.

Read Genesis 28: Jacob’s Ladder at Bible Survey.

Bible Survey: The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

After 5 posts on Abraham I have decided it’s time to move on.  There are a lot more stories there, but Bible Survey kind of turned into a lifetime in Genesis on me.  Perhaps I should write a book on Abraham; can’t imagine that making the New York Times Bestseller List.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob looks at two aspects of that title.  When the Bible uses that phrase (15 times in the ESV) it is for one of two reasons; to either remind the Hebrews who they are and whose they are, or to explain to others outside the Hebrew nation which God it is we are talking about.  Head over to Bible Survey and check it out.

Bible Survey: Abraham Sacrifices Isaac

I still think starting Bible Survey was a great idea.  I wish we were halfway through the New Testament right now instead of still in Genesis, but when were promised everything we want, right?

There is just so much to say about Abraham.  His story runs from Genesis 12 to 25, and I’ve found it hard to summarize or skip anything.  In Genesis 22, Abraham is willing to and almost does sacrifice Isaac.  There are some good lessons in the story about God, and they are all about his love and mercy toward sinners, not about him being vicious, cruel or scary.

Read Abraham Sacrifices Isaac at Bible Survey.

Bible Survey: The Covenant of Circumcision

Here’s the deal: it’s been one year since I started Bible Survey, and I have now posted 10 times.  I refuse to quit.  Bible Survey is a project that I’m working on in addition to blogging theology, working full time in the ministry and being a husband/father in my family.  The goal is to work systematically through the Bible not doing a verse by verse commentary but an overview of the major points.  There’s a lot of important business in the Bible dealing with Abraham and his family (that’s right; I’m still in the first 25 chapters of Genesis) but afterwards I think the pace will really take off.  I’m hanging in there; I have the rest of my natural life or until Christ comes back.  Whichever.

In Genesis 17, God gives Abraham the covenant of circumcision.  If you don’t know what circumcision is, I’m afraid this post doesn’t get that plain.  If you’ve always wondered exactly what God is doing and what circumcision means, I think I can help with that.  What’s the purpose for circumcision?  Should Christians be circumcised?  What’s the difference between Abram and Abraham?  What does the name Clark mean?  No, really.  All of these answers and more when you follow this link to Bible Survey.

Bible Survey: Abraham, Poor Guy

Remember that newspaper comic the born loser?  The humor was that things never went his way.  Abraham was wealthy by ancient and/or modern standards, and became the father of many nations.  Sometimes though you just gotta’ feel sorry for the guy.  For all the faith, for all the blessings, some days he just couldn’t win for losing.  Could there be a moral to this story?

Click here for Abraham, Poor Guy at Bible Survey.

Bible Survey: Abraham, Man of Faith

The Bible Survey project took something of a hiatus when my daughter Johannah was born.  The few posts that exist continue to attract page views, presumably through search engine results for the key words.  Ridden with guilt about never getting past Gen 11, I am ready to pick up the torch.

Abraham is the first man of faith we encounter in the Bible.  At Gen 15, a significant event takes place in the relationship between God and man.  It is neither obedience nor sacrifice that makes Abraham right with God; it is what he believes about God that counts as righteousness.  Join me at Bible Survey to continue the journey.

Bible Survey: Tower of Babel

bible-pagesI haven’t posted to Bible Survey in over a month.  I thought it would take a while to get through the Bible, at this rate it will take forever and ever.  I hope there’s Internet access in Heaven. 

The Tower of Babel story creates more questions for some than it answers.  Is the story literal, or just of way of simplifying things?  Why does Genesis 10 talk about nations and languages, and then chp. 11 says that all people were of one language?  Can we prove the Bible is true?  Join me at Bible Survey to explore these and other and issues.

Bible Survey, The Flood

bible-pagesWhen I set out to begin Bible Survey, I said that it would not be a verse by verse commentary on the entire Bible.  Well, the problem is that I was doing almost exactly that.  I’m working on it.

The Flood, Gen. 6-8  is now available.  I invite you to join this journey through the Bible, and welcome an open discussion in the comments.  Did the flood really happen, was it a global or local event, how did Noah get all the animals on the ark?  Did the ark look like a boat, or is the “shoe box” design more accurate?  Hit me.